Friday, 19 April 2013

Know Your Place

It is common senses that everyone should love, respect, know and care for themselves before they can do so to others other people can do the same about them. It also begins at home. 
Most of the things we learn from our homes. Some we learn from school, colleges or universities. Some people like to travel to other countries so they can know more about them. Some look for the information from books, magazines, newspapers or through the internet, or any source that is available to them. Other people do so without knowing much about their own country or the place in which they live. How much do you know about your country or the place in which you live?

 We, students WDMCC, have added information about our township, Kanana, in wikipedia. You can check it here:,_North_West. This shows that we know about our township and we encourage everybody to find more about their countries and the places in which they live.
The information on this page will not only give people more information about Kanana, it will also assist emergency managers in times of emergencies or disasters.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


What happened in Boston is a huge tragedy, so many people were injured, three people lost their lives and some of the buildings were destroyed.  The Boston marathon is an international event that unites all countries but what happened tore them apart. We hope that people who are responsible for this disaster should be held accountable for the terrible thing that they did. Some people are heartless, selfish and they are ignorant because the impact of this disaster caused peoples careers. The sad part of it is that children were involved and had to witness this terrible incident, now they have to live their lives in fear.

We hope and pray that everyone gets the best medical care especially the children.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Revising for final exam

We have been preparing ourselves for the final exam that we are going to write for our first year and we are working together as a team to revise the FEMA tests that we wrote. So far we have been working well and I am sure that we are going to nail this exam with high marks. This show how positive we are to make it through to graduate and be professional emergency managers, we have a long way to go because we still young and ambitious. My follower students let’s not let this opportunity to pass us by while we still got it, so let’s grab it with both hands and make use of it with lots of effort.
Big up to all the students who are still attending and willing to make their dreams come true regardless of the challenges that they face in their everyday lives.       

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Where are young Emergency/Disaster Managers?

Emergency/Disaster Management is one of the courses that are emerging in recent years, especially in African countries. Well, in some African countries is still to implemented. Out of 23 plus universities in South Africa, only one offer Masters in Emergency Management, University of Free State. Thanks to World Disaster Management Community College (WDMCC) in Kanana which just started in 2012 for offering Associate Degree in this course.
I have talked to, met and know many Emergency Managers and still in communication with them. Most of them, if not all, are old or can I say, experienced. This brings to me the question: Where are the young Emergency Managers? Is this course only for elderly people only? I hope not.

New York City and South Africa, Kanana in WDMCC are trying to bridge that gap. I hope all the students can start realizing that we should make something to grow in this field. I am happy for all WDMCC students and soon to be the learners in the new emergency school to be opened in New York. Big up to all the founders of these schools.  

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

being back from long Easter holidays

A big thank you to everyone who is involved in this college for making this happen because if it wasn’t because of their efforts, their hard work and the light that they have brought to brighten our future, we wouldn’t be here today. As we are about to finish our first year, we are hoping to complete all the work so that we can graduate in just over a year's time to get our Associate Degree. It really feels good to be back from the holidays because we are just polishing the few work that is left behind as almost everyone is done with the FEMA tests. I really can’t wait for that to happen and I thank god for giving us the wonderful people who have started this college. They have made us realize that we have the abilities and the potential to make it in life.